Araç Kiralama İhalesinde Yakıt Dahil Edilir mi?
KAMU İHALE KURULU KARARI Toplantı No : 2017/013 Gündem No : 34 Karar Tarihi : 15.03.2017 Karar No : 2017/UH.II-815 TOPLANTIYA KATILAN ÜYELER: Başkan: Hamdi GÜLEÇ Üyeler: II. Başkan Şinasi…
Slow but consistent growth across Europe is evident in the latest batch of quarterly GDP figures released by Eurostat.
For the first time in a year, no economy has shown a fall in GDP. Instead, all have grown between 0.1% and 0.8% compared with the second quarter of 2016.
The seasonally adjusted figures show Bulgaria and Portugal as top performers with 0.8% growth, closely followed by Cyprus, The Netherlands, Slovakia and Spain with 0.7%.
The larger EU economies fared less well. German growth fell to 0.2%, the same as France. The UK grew by 0.5%
GDP rose 0.4% in the EU as a whole during the third quarter of 2016, compared with the previous quarter. That compares with 0.7% in the U.S.
source:world economic forum
KAMU İHALE KURULU KARARI Toplantı No : 2017/013 Gündem No : 34 Karar Tarihi : 15.03.2017 Karar No : 2017/UH.II-815 TOPLANTIYA KATILAN ÜYELER: Başkan: Hamdi GÜLEÇ Üyeler: II. Başkan Şinasi… 5018 sayılı Kanuna Ekli Cetvellerde Yer Alanların Hizmet Alımları 117 Seri KDV Genel Tebliğinin (3.2.13) bölümünde, KDV mükellefleri tarafından, 5018 sayılı Kanuna ekli cetveller kapsamındaki idare, kurum ve…