5 Warning Signs That Mean You Shouldn’t Take The Job


What have I gotten myself into?

That is a question no employee wants to ask himself two or three months into a new role. Unfortunately, choosing the wrong job is a common mistake that young job seekers make when they focus more on getting a job offer than on finding a good fit.

As common as choosing the wrong job may be, it’s also something that can be prevented. If you’re thinking about accepting an offer, and you’ve noticed any of the warning signs below, then the job you’re so eager to take is not all it’s cut out to be.


When You Hate Your New Job and Want To Go Back

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1. The List Of Responsibilities Is Increasing (But The Pay Isn’t)

You’ve read the job listing a couple of times, and you’re prepared to explain how your qualifications–strong communicator who can make extremely complex concepts simple–match those in the job description. But as you listen to your interviewer talk about the role, the list of responsibilities is getting longer: Some of the additional tasks seem to have nothing to do with the core job itself. The expected salary, unlike the responsibilities, hasn’t increased at all.

Though most job descriptions will indicate that hires are expected to perform “other duties as required,” you always want to know what you’re signing up for before you accept an offer. Are the new responsibilities simply a chance for you to gain new skills? Or is the growing list indicative of the fact that your role may become a dumping ground for “other duties as required”? You also have to ask yourself if the additional tasks seem better suited for a completely different position at the company, and if so, why hasn’t that position been created to fill the need?

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Ask the employer more questions about how he or she views this role, how some of the extra responsibilities fit into the bigger picture, and how you’re expected to divide your time amongst the tasks. If you feel that the role you are applying for has gotten lost in the other responsibilities–or that you aren’t being fairly compensated for taking on several roles at once–this may not be the job for you.

2. Lack Of Learning Opportunities

As valuable as it is to discover your career survival skills after being thrown into the deep end, your manager and the company should be setting you up for success through learning and development opportunities–especially if you’re a young employee. Whether it’s bringing in influential professionals to speak to team members or setting aside a budget for employees to take courses outside of work, you should feel like your new company is investing in your development.

The Forbes eBook: Find And Keep Your Dream Job
The Definitive Careers Guide From Forbes encompasses every aspect of the job hunt, from interview to promotion. Discover how to get ahead today.
If you find that there are no learning opportunities in place, and you’re just expected to sink or swim, consider if you’re prepared to fight through your new role alone.


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